WANT TO BE A PRODUCER ON OUR NEXT HORROR FILM? All you need to do is upload a reaction video of watching our horror short film CAPTURED to YouTube and send us the link. All entries receive a prize, but the best one wins the role of Associate Producer on our next horror short film. SYNOPSIS : Using an old film camera, a girl captures the undead walking past her bedroom. IF YOU LIKE THE FILM PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO SHARE | SUBSCRIBE | THUMBS UP CASTS MONICA FORERO @MonicaMForero NORO NAPRAVNIK WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY VEEMSEN LAMA @VeemsenLama PRODUCED […]
Category Archives: News
Please click the link below to help the children in Nepal – not just in the immediate aftermath, but again and again in the months ahead. Our Indiegogo Campaign: http://igg.me/at/lNwGKNEfS9E Here it is! The ‘Maya’ Trailer – Launched in Support of Nepalese Children ‘Maya’, directed by former Gurkha soldier, Veemsen Lama, was filmed just last month in Kathmandu to raise awareness of street kids with nothing. Now we are fundraising in support of street kids with less than nothing after a succession of earthquakes. “Maya, Bikram and Kancha suddenly find themselves trapped in the heart of Kathmandu. Penniless, vulnerable and […]
Deepak Gurung’s official music video release on 31 August 2013 Saturday@1000 hours British Summer Time
Deepak Gurung by trade is a professional singer, song writer, composer, musician, British army and filmmaker who is back with his new record HRIDAYA VITRA after decade(10 years) after the success of AAGAMAN and TIMI KINA, he was busy with his professional and personal life but will be making your body rock with his dance and r&b tunes. Please don’t be the last person to experience his HD music video and I had the opportunity to direct and film his music video with collaboration with another filmmaker Chandra Pun and Intake beatz’s Prasan Kerung. I am already excited to share […]
CHADKEY Parody by Ghau Chot Production
Ghau Chot Production was originally founded by Rabi Lama and his team in Korea couple of years back. They used to make funny short film and music video as we are already aware about this and of course one of their most popular works BAU KO FACEBOOK which is probably the first ever Nepali short film in the youtube to be viewed by million of people around the world. They have moved to Nepal now and still do similar sort of production work. Ghau Chot Production makes short funny film,music video and feature film too. Personally I haven’t watch Nepali […]